Happens all the time. The non human bots cheat. They've programmed the non human bots on our own team to play for the enemy team,.. they feed kills to the enemy, push you into danger especially when trying to get to cover and or they block you from finishing a kill. Why is it the non human bots can push us around but we can't push anything around? This game is controlled by these bots, win rates are meaningless.
DMG is equally as important as kills and so are in game awards. He was kill leader with that mech that got 5 kills. He also got 2 more awards than you did. https://vlc.onl/
Happens all the time. The non human bots cheat. They've programmed the non human bots on our own team to play for the enemy team,.. they feed kills to the enemy, push you into danger especially when trying to get to cover and or they block you from finishing a kill. Why is it the non human bots can push us around but we can't push anything around? This game is controlled by these bots, win rates are meaningless.
That's not true. The set of bots is equal for all the players; there is no shady scheme to influence on the team's performance. Nonetheless, some bots can over/underperform due to the different advances of their programming. What I mean is that it's easier to make an AI for Lancer than Lacewing, right?
Nonetheless, we know about such issues, and work on the improvements for AI is in progress 🪛
That's not true. The set of bots is equal for all the players; there is no shady scheme to influence on the team's performance. Nonetheless, some bots can over/underperform due to the different advances of their programming. What I mean is that it's easier to make an AI for Lancer than Lacewing, right?
Nonetheless, we know about such issues, and work on the improvements for AI is in progress 🪛
Why can non human bots push our mechs around in game? Why do the non human bots always know where the player is when the player has never been spotted and even in stealth mode? The bots cheat! The players can't push other mechs around and the players can't see a non spotted/stealth mech like the non human bots can and do. What's not true is the non human bots being equal to human players. They can do things we can't, how's that equal?
That's not true. The set of bots is equal for all the players; there is no shady scheme to influence on the team's performance. Nonetheless, some bots can over/underperform due to the different advances of their programming. What I mean is that it's easier to make an AI for Lancer than Lacewing, right?
Nonetheless, we know about such issues, and work on the improvements for AI is in progress 🪛
Why did you gas light players? It's well known that the matchmaking is rigged so that bots are purposely made stronger or weaker to manipulate the battle outcome to supposedly keep win rates near 50% against real players. That fact is acknowledged by support and the reason they give all the time as to why battles end up the way they do so either they're lying or you're lying? 🤦 you can't tell us your version is the right one given the screenshot above and the thousands of related screenshots shared in your discord server in which the channel has been open for almost two years with next to zero improvement during that time...
These cheating non human bots determining the outcomes of matches is one of the most shady things a developer programs them to do. The non human bots are controlling these matches and it's BS! Match after match of the enemy bots taking mvp while the real enemy player only gets 1 or 2 kills and I get 7-10+ and don't win. I'll sometimes get 3rd mvp slot under the cheating bots but the real player doesn't get mvp and only getting a few kills but granted a win from cheating non human bots. The bots didn't program themselves to have this aggressive behavior. Someone is being very shady with their programming. I can post thousands of reviews and comments stating the same thing from anywhere associated with Mech Arena that the public can use.. here on the forums, discord, reddit, facebook, google play and all other places you can download from. I could post pics of hundreds just from google play posted within the last week or less so it's not just a few people experiencing this and these comments and reviews go back for years! Stop Abusing The Bots!!!!
evidently the director believes us to be intellectually inferior to him, he believes that we believe their words. the game has been compromised since he said the famous phrase, MECH ARENA HAS CHANGED FOREVER. yes, given the failure, they use AI to manipulate the games. and exploiting the new arrivals, make them win and make them spend, to then abandon them when they have realized the manipulation, as you can already read in the forum, of these new players who now feel cheated. that the game is manipulated is obvious and clear.. if it were an honest and well-built game no one would complain, but the forum is 90% complaints.. explain to me how a healthy game has a 5VS5 with 4 BOTs -- managed by an AI.. and only 1 human being. this is their policy, control of the game, and if you check every game you will see how the BOTs have determined the result..... and for those who win 9k against 18k ... well 'friend you' are one of them, don't deny it, it's obvious... and we know who we are talking about