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This is improved match making?

This is improved match making?

Aug 30, 2024, 23:0508/30/24

This is improved match making?

Thanks for the improved match making jack asses. Couldn't do s**t against 40k inventory power with hanger power over 11k. The hell was i suppose to do with my 6k hanger? And then matched against that 40k inventory power twice in a row.

Edited: explicit language is prohibited


CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Sep 3, 2024, 15:0609/03/24

Hello! Thanks for sharing your feedback with us. The work on the Matchmaking system is in progress, expect improvements soon!

Sep 3, 2024, 15:2209/03/24

I've noticed it too, but in a different way. regular none event matches have become much easier for me actually...but the opposite has happened for event ones. I tested it out and both before the event going on right now and while the event is still happening, the difficulty stays like this with me being destroyed in the event but outside of the event winning a good amount of the time. 

But maybe that's just me having this strange thing happening right now. 

Sep 3, 2024, 23:5609/03/24

I wonder too if they system thought i was SP dropping during the Quantum Gun 12 event. My Quantum Gun 12 is not maxed or anything and my Sniper Pilot is low level too. Plus I only have one Quantum 12 gun. This dropped by Hanger Power from est. 6500 to below 5500 , with my inventory power of 13k. Is there an SP dropping Punishment in place?

I have to keep that in mind for the next event. But still going up against to many hanger power of 8k and up. 

Sep 4, 2024, 03:2109/04/24

They'll never fix it. Matchmaking has been an issue for years. Empty promises, lies, and gaslighting. Then if you complain too much, they ban you...

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Sep 4, 2024, 10:4209/04/24
Sep 4, 2024, 10:44(edited)

They'll never fix it. Matchmaking has been an issue for years. Empty promises, lies, and gaslighting. Then if you complain too much, they ban you...

Hello! We ban only users who are violating the rules of our community. Any criticism is acceptable and helpful, as we are constantly collecting and processing it, but of course, aggressive behavior, explicit language, and other unfriendly stuff will be deleted and banned.

The Matchmaking feature is not simple, so it can't be fixed in a simple way. However, the work is in progress. The recent Tournament test brought us many important details, allowing us to improve the system even more, so stay tuned!

Sep 4, 2024, 16:4109/04/24
Sep 4, 2024, 16:42(edited)

They'll never fix it. Matchmaking has been an issue for years. Empty promises, lies, and gaslighting. Then if you complain too much, they ban you...

are you kidding?? auahauahahahahahaa I can't help laughing... magic word casino'.. eheheheheh look at THE BEEKEEPER,, it's the same thing.... ehehehehhe they just scam people,,, there are tons of articles online that talk about PLarium,.,, ehehehehe don't spend money on this scam game friends. you're throwing your money away. years and years of the same words. the game failed and they still scam and promise. classic questionable behavior. worthy of the best scammer.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Sep 5, 2024, 08:5609/05/24

are you kidding?? auahauahahahahahaa I can't help laughing... magic word casino'.. eheheheheh look at THE BEEKEEPER,, it's the same thing.... ehehehehhe they just scam people,,, there are tons of articles online that talk about PLarium,.,, ehehehehe don't spend money on this scam game friends. you're throwing your money away. years and years of the same words. the game failed and they still scam and promise. classic questionable behavior. worthy of the best scammer.

Hello! We don't scam anyone, and all the activities we provide are fully transparent.

Sep 12, 2024, 01:4909/12/24
Sep 12, 2024, 02:19(edited)

Hello! We don't scam anyone, and all the activities we provide are fully transparent.

You can't be serious 🤦‍♂️ you scam people all the time and are rarely transparent. I hear all the time that you can't share information on basic things that other companies freely give. Players are left in the dark all the time until something actually happens like pay items getting nerfed for absolutely no reason other than to push new weapons. That right there is the huge scam. Another scam is the matchmaking that hasnt been fixed after years of players complaining about  and is basically rigged so you force players to spend or quit. Spending is hardly optional if you want to be competive since the matchmaking is downright atrocious and nothing is ever done to address it. There's zero transparency on how it actually works which is unheard of in a pvp environment. Is it a requirement that you need to be a habitual liar to get a job at Plarium? 🤔🤦‍♂️but, if I'm wrong about everything i stated, let's hear how matchmaking works since nobody has a clue...

Sep 12, 2024, 07:4509/12/24

I was billed and your company acted like it was my fault....when your system takes money for a failed transaction and then holds it saying they are "investigating" even when i provide SC and much more as EVIDENCE you still have not refunded it. when i got the green light to get my refund PLARIUM agents said i was at fault and next time not to select the option i chose....I didnt select anything.....the auto pay just went in to my  account and took it. Imagine how many parents get billed and dont pay attention to what the bill is....not scaming at all ...

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Sep 12, 2024, 09:3509/12/24

You can't be serious 🤦‍♂️ you scam people all the time and are rarely transparent. I hear all the time that you can't share information on basic things that other companies freely give. Players are left in the dark all the time until something actually happens like pay items getting nerfed for absolutely no reason other than to push new weapons. That right there is the huge scam. Another scam is the matchmaking that hasnt been fixed after years of players complaining about  and is basically rigged so you force players to spend or quit. Spending is hardly optional if you want to be competive since the matchmaking is downright atrocious and nothing is ever done to address it. There's zero transparency on how it actually works which is unheard of in a pvp environment. Is it a requirement that you need to be a habitual liar to get a job at Plarium? 🤔🤦‍♂️but, if I'm wrong about everything i stated, let's hear how matchmaking works since nobody has a clue...

None of the mentioned points were kept secret, and we've always directly communicated about them. Although you can find much info regarding them on our social media, I'll try to comment on each in a nutshell:

  1. "you scam people all the time and are rarely transparent" - we don't aim to scam or mislead anyone. You can find detailed info about any activity right in the game. You can find any odds and probabilities for literally each Crate Rush Event, Fortunate Valut, etc.
  2. "you can't share information on basic things that other companies freely give" - if other companies do it, we are likely to do it as well. Although the terms may vary from one company to another, the majority of the conditions are the same.
  3. "players are left in the dark all the time until something actually happens like pay items getting nerfed for absolutely no reason other than to push new weapons" - we don't rebalance the Content often as it's always developed considering the balance of the game. If any changes are coming, we inform the community in advance and make them in a way to make the rebalanced Content remain relevant and effective. Nonetheless, it's a common practice in developing online games.
  4. "matchmaking that hasn't been fixed after years of players complaining about and is basically rigged so you force players to spend or quit" - the feature is complicated and comprehensive; it affects the majority of the game mechanics. The work on it has been in progress for years, and it's impossible to make an instant hotfix in a short time. A lot of effort and time is required. Nonetheless, recently, we had a massive Tournament test that brought us a lot of important data that will help us develop further improvements. Don't give up too soon; the SP-dropping abuse will be fixed eventually.
  5. "Spending is hardly optional if you want to be competive since the matchmaking is downright atrocious and nothing is ever done to address it" - spending is very indirectly related to the Matchmaking system. It's more about your skill and the flexibility of the balance. 
  6. "There's zero transparency on how it actually works which is unheard of in a pvp environment" - Matchmaking considers such main points as Squad Power, geo-location, the number of online players, and your performance. It's never been a secret.
  7. "Is it a requirement that you need to be a habitual liar to get a job at Plarium?" - all the details and info I share is always legit facts confirmed by the devs. Neither I nor my colleagues aim to mislead our community.

I hope that my comments shed some light on the points that concern you.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Sep 12, 2024, 09:5809/12/24

I was billed and your company acted like it was my fault....when your system takes money for a failed transaction and then holds it saying they are "investigating" even when i provide SC and much more as EVIDENCE you still have not refunded it. when i got the green light to get my refund PLARIUM agents said i was at fault and next time not to select the option i chose....I didnt select anything.....the auto pay just went in to my  account and took it. Imagine how many parents get billed and dont pay attention to what the bill is....not scaming at all ...

Sorry to hear about such an experience. Don't forget that unless the payment was made in the Mech Arena Store or on Plarium Play, it goes through a 3rd party Play Market for Android and App Store for iOS, so in these cases, we have no chance to help you.

Feel free to get in touch with our Support agents via this link: or email them at: [email protected]. They will do their best to help you! The better you describe the issue and the more details you provide, the more effective help is expected.

Sep 12, 2024, 13:1409/12/24

I've noticed issues as well.  I've noticed that if I win 2 or 3 matches in a row, I get punished for the next 2.  And I do mean punished.  The difference in squad power between me an my opponents gets large.  I run my squad with mechs and weapons I have fun running.  Are they "optimal", no, but I've run this squad for MONTHS now.  I'm not SP dropping.  But this idea of punishing a player because they can handle people at their squad power by throwing them against people who are 4-6 k more in squad power is nuts.

If my SKILL allows me to beat people with bigger wallets, then don't punish me for winning.  Its next to impossible to get 4 wins in a row for me because of this "you must be challenged (punished)" idea.  If the goal of this matchmaking system is to give us challenges, that's fine.  However, if I've got the skill to swing above my weight class, after 4 months of playing nearly the same squad (I think I've only wavered by about 200-300 squad power, my squad is about 4600), the system should have found my sweet spot by now.  Instead its, we'll give you a challenge, great, you managed to beat someone 1 k SP more than you, now try someone who is 4 k more.  Really??!!??!!

I've played this game for 1.75 years now.  I can honestly say that the match making has actually gotten worse.  I don't play games because I want to get pissed off at the program.  I play them to have fun and relax.  This game hasn't been fun and relaxing for a while now.