I've noticed issues as well. I've noticed that if I win 2 or 3 matches in a row, I get punished for the next 2. And I do mean punished. The difference in squad power between me an my opponents gets large. I run my squad with mechs and weapons I have fun running. Are they "optimal", no, but I've run this squad for MONTHS now. I'm not SP dropping. But this idea of punishing a player because they can handle people at their squad power by throwing them against people who are 4-6 k more in squad power is nuts.
If my SKILL allows me to beat people with bigger wallets, then don't punish me for winning. Its next to impossible to get 4 wins in a row for me because of this "you must be challenged (punished)" idea. If the goal of this matchmaking system is to give us challenges, that's fine. However, if I've got the skill to swing above my weight class, after 4 months of playing nearly the same squad (I think I've only wavered by about 200-300 squad power, my squad is about 4600), the system should have found my sweet spot by now. Instead its, we'll give you a challenge, great, you managed to beat someone 1 k SP more than you, now try someone who is 4 k more. Really??!!??!!
I've played this game for 1.75 years now. I can honestly say that the match making has actually gotten worse. I don't play games because I want to get pissed off at the program. I play them to have fun and relax. This game hasn't been fun and relaxing for a while now.