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Implant improvement is not an improvement

Implant improvement is not an improvement

Aug 21, 2024, 18:2508/21/24

Implant improvement is not an improvement

Once again Mech Arena has decided to find a way to make the game less enjoyable, with the claim that it is improving the game while actually making the game worse. After the Gear Hub failure with the claim that it makes Mechs and Weapons more accesible while it actually made it more difficult to obtain upgrades to Mechs. Now they are looking to introduce a BIG DOWNGRADE in the implant system. 

The planned "improvement " is "Pilots will now only provide a damage boost to Weapons that match their innate skill." This is a definite downgrade and actually is counterintuitive to their next statement which is: "Find the best Implant combinations to fit your playstyle and experiment with new strategies." 

E.g. I have a Panther with a Sniper Weapon AND a Heavy Duty Weapon, my Pilot is and epic Pilot with Sniper innate skill. With my playstyle I would like both different Weapons to get the damage boost or else they would be rendered ineffective against higher level mechs. This new downgrade is now preventing this. In fact most of my Mechs have Weapons of different classes. This is my playstyle.

Is Mech Arena now forcing players to equip Mechs with weapons of the same type only?

Then why say experiment and be creative, it does not work that way.

Aug 21, 2024, 21:4208/21/24

I agree to an extent. I like that implant removal will be free, and that is about it. I think the way that this can be fixed is by releasing more events like the Neev and Galvalan events that have more varaity in innate skills, or by releasing Neymar jr varients for acoins

Aug 21, 2024, 21:4308/21/24

And btw, you usually do not mix and match weapon combos late game

Aug 21, 2024, 22:5308/21/24
The General

And btw, you usually do not mix and match weapon combos late game

Why not? Works for me.

Aug 21, 2024, 23:0208/21/24

I like every thing about the update except the part about pilots only being able to use certain implants.

it limits your playstile.

Aug 21, 2024, 23:1908/21/24

I like every thing about the update except the part about pilots only being able to use certain implants.

it limits your playstile.

Pilots being forced to use only specific implants? i didn't know that happened, if that's true i'm really going to be angry. Pilots should be able to use every type of implant. 

Aug 22, 2024, 01:3008/22/24

Out of curiosity, are pilots being reduced in cost or are more being added with dual typing? The reason I ask is it's 3.8k a coins for a legendary pilot and 1k for an epic pilot. As a f2p player on mobile that means you can obtain 1 epic pilot, with 0 real money spent roughly once every 2.5-3 weeks, if you don't have mechs and weapons to upgrade, possibly faster if you play tournaments and score high. Legendary pilots are a 4ish month saving for, given the same parameters. Now if I have a pilot that I don't have a matching weapon type for its is essentially useless for anything but mech boosting implants, and I don't even get a generic boost to whatever I have installed? 

Come on , do you all hate f2p that much?

Aug 22, 2024, 01:3208/22/24

Pilots being forced to use only specific implants? i didn't know that happened, if that's true i'm really going to be angry. Pilots should be able to use every type of implant. 

Did you read the upcoming update notes in game? Type specific boosts only and pilots will be unable to boost the stats of a weapon type that is not their default class.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Aug 22, 2024, 14:3708/22/24

Hello guys! Thanks a lot for your comments regarding the new Implant system. We will take them into account. Meanwhile, I'd like to recommend you not judge it that firmly before it comes out and give it a chance 😉 The paid Implant Removal issue must be finally resolved, though!

Aug 22, 2024, 18:0908/22/24

Hello guys! Thanks a lot for your comments regarding the new Implant system. We will take them into account. Meanwhile, I'd like to recommend you not judge it that firmly before it comes out and give it a chance 😉 The paid Implant Removal issue must be finally resolved, though!

What do you mean "not to judge it that firmly before it comes out and give it a chance"? The official news release is quite clear: "That means that Pilots will only be able to equip implants that match their innate skill or the Mech in their build." So players with mechs with different classes of Weapons one of which is not the Pilot's innate skill will now be at an extreme disadvantage, unless you release Pilots with multiple innate skills like Neymar. Are you saying that too bad we don't care, take it and suffer. Because taking comments into account usually means that it doesn't matter what the players say, Mech Arena does what it wants.

Aug 30, 2024, 13:1208/30/24

Hello guys! Thanks a lot for your comments regarding the new Implant system. We will take them into account. Meanwhile, I'd like to recommend you not judge it that firmly before it comes out and give it a chance 😉 The paid Implant Removal issue must be finally resolved, though!

The only good thing about the new system is that implant removal is free. You realize that most people aren't going to spend $40usd just for a legendary implant that was a challenge to get previously, how about that it takes forever to be able to afford a new pilot without spending money on a-coins. It takes roughly 3-4 weeks just to get an epic pilot, and that's if, IF, you get lucky with boxes, not including if you can top finish tourneys. It's 3-4 times that wait for legendary pilots, that's a legendary every 3-5 months without improving mechs or weapons which honestly have a greater overall impact short term. All you needed to do to fix the implant issue was make a more diverse mech implants with the mods effects and remove the cost to remove, while allowing 1 or 2 more implant slots to counter the implant currency influx. Honestly that would allow for a survivability vs high damage playstyle, I wish I'd of thought about that sooner, meaning you can build you hanger the way you want instead of having changes made that no one wanted. Let's face it, pilots were a huge potential that was disregarded as a way to buff damage when they could have been so much more involved and influential if done correctly.

Aug 30, 2024, 14:5808/30/24

They don't care about your playstyle, they only care about your paystyle. This game has turned into a  scam. 

Aug 31, 2024, 06:3308/31/24

I think the worst thing is that you can't remove the implant parts from an implant anymore. When you upgrade an implant the implant parts are gone. You can't get them back like before. You are forced to grind for implant parts much more than before. OR TO BUY SOME. I think that's the plan behind this. Just to milk the cow a little bit more. Fits in the row of downgrades during the last few months.

Aug 31, 2024, 12:0008/31/24
Sep 1, 2024, 10:12(edited)

I hate this update. the idea behind it seemed good but its just not done well, and honestly not well  planned as there is nothing to balance this update out properly. 

I do like that implants will keep their levels, it s very good! but not being able to get the parts fully back isn't all too great, however i will accept it since plarium does still need to earn money. the same doesn't go for the pilot update however, unifying the damage was a bad move because of various reasons i will explain below.

Firstly, there aren't enough normal, epic and legendary pilots that use the same weapons, this means players have to at times put weapons on pilots that the pilots don't give a huge bonus to. this gets worse when taking into account that pilots are expensive and thus someone might as an example, put assault weapons on a sniper pilot.

Secondly, there are no new pilots that give a bonus to 2 weapon types that are currently able to be bought with acoins or credits by players, and also not enough pilots that have such abilities which means that any player wantingto use 2 different weapons now have to use 2 of the same weapon.

The whole problem with the unified damage could be solved mostly by adding more (and cheaper) pilots with 2 damage types and/or adding an extra implant slot that only appears when adding 2 different weapons on a mech, for example when using both a shotgun and sniper. 

What makes this worse is that because of the new mod system, these players are even more greatly effected as there is no proper solution in place.

Sep 16, 2024, 02:5209/16/24

Yeah, the more they "improve" this game, the least likely people seem to want to pay it, err umm I mean play it...I think? Ok, seriously though, they keep making this game more complex to play and there's been 1 complaint I've had since the first week I started playing; the godforsaken message tab. Who really uses or wants that annoying, essentially useless tab right next to their directional-toggle during gameplay so that there ability to move/aim is hindered. Now that they are turning into a greedy corp. I think it's time I take my little bit of nerd-allowane that I budget into my gaming and put it elsewhere. Hopefully somewhere other than platinum....probably end up being bovada but atleast I won't feel so filthy after they are done with me....extremely disappointed and dissatisfied with M.A.....I've spent ALOT on this game and now it's like.... for what???