The verification of ideas
I used to be predominantly here on the MA forum, posting ideas, stuff like that- but after a while I caught wind from a couple of sources that Discord is the place to post your ideas for consideration, so that's where I went. Two months later, and I've posted 3 ideas on their "suggestion-voting" sub-section.
My question is to any mod here who can provide me an answer, how can we tell if our ideas have been verified for consideration? How can we tell if they've been picked? I've asked the mods over on discord, and they've set a measure that "starts" the process of the idea being considered, and one of my ideas met the qualifications. They've also stated that the idea will also be judged by being "reasonable" or "unreasonable", and after a quick verification from the mods, they've approved that my idea is infact reasonable.
Again, I would love some feedback from any mod here, to give me some clear conditions that need to be met, and how I can tell that what I suggest is being considered. Thank you.