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A weapon idea (the E.C.G, Concept art included)

A weapon idea (the E.C.G, Concept art included)

May 20, 2024, 21:5605/20/24

A weapon idea (the E.C.G, Concept art included)


My weapon idea: (it's a legendary sniper weapon)

Weapon name: E.C.G (electrical current gun)

EN: 8, 12, and 16 variants

Special attributes: Piercing shots+DOT trail and direct DOT cloud, also applies the electric effect.

Magazine: 1

Reload time: 6.5 seconds

Weapon firing delay: 0.3 seconds

Direct damage: about half of an EM rifle

Damage falloff: none

DOT trail damage: about as much as gatecrashers beam DOT

DOT trail width: about 10 meters wide (hitbox is a cylindrical cone on its side)

DOT trail duration: 4.5 seconds

Direct DOT cloud damage: Double that of Redox’s caustic blast

Direct DOT cloud duration: 3.5 seconds

Weapon Description:

The E.C.G. is a weapon that fires a powerful hit-scan shot after a brief delay similar to the EM rifle. The shot is able to pierce through an infinite amount of targets, but cannot be fired through walls. It leaves behind a large electrical trail that does damage over time and applies the electrical effect. This trail follows the bullet, so if it gets shot into a wall, the trail will not go through it. The mech that is directly hit by the shot will have an additional DOT cloud applied to it, (this does not apply to mechs hit due to piercing, the additional DOT will only affect 1 mech at a time to balance it). This cloud follows the mech and cannot be removed by any means (eclipse is not immune to it, and Guardian cannot cleanse it). The overall single-target damage potential of this weapon will not be too high and is overall focused on being a form of crowd control


CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
May 21, 2024, 12:4505/21/24

Sounds interesting! Could you please describe its possible design?

May 21, 2024, 21:4705/21/24

Sounds interesting! Could you please describe its possible design?

I am currently working on a rough draft of a design via pixel art for it, in the meantime I updated the weapon description. The appearance that Im going for is something akin to the railgun with some coils behind a long barrel. The coils will spin when the weapon is reloaded, and once fired they stop moving, after which they slowly start to spin up again until the gun is reloaded.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
May 22, 2024, 10:4405/22/24

I am currently working on a rough draft of a design via pixel art for it, in the meantime I updated the weapon description. The appearance that Im going for is something akin to the railgun with some coils behind a long barrel. The coils will spin when the weapon is reloaded, and once fired they stop moving, after which they slowly start to spin up again until the gun is reloaded.

Cool! I will be happy to check it out 🤩

May 23, 2024, 03:4605/23/24

Cool! I will be happy to check it out 🤩

I finally finished the concept art, what are your thoughts on its design? It's not too detailed because it's pixel art, but it should give a rough idea of the gun's look.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
May 23, 2024, 09:4205/23/24

I finally finished the concept art, what are your thoughts on its design? It's not too detailed because it's pixel art, but it should give a rough idea of the gun's look.

Looks rad! It gives me some retro-futurism vibes. Good job! 👍👍👍

We do appreciate your enthusiasm! 

May 23, 2024, 21:5305/23/24

Nice concept!hope it makes the cut!

May 23, 2024, 23:2505/23/24

Nice concept!hope it makes the cut!

thanks, I have been wanting a weapon like the coilgun from D.R.G in Mech Arena for a while now, of course with some special attributes as well :)

May 24, 2024, 04:4405/24/24

Hehe yea!