new pilot type idea
I've got an idea for a new type of pilot that might be useful, called mercanary.
This type of pilot exchanges all bonus damages for further increased health & improved sprinting.
The mercenary type pilots not only give bonuses to just health and springing, but also have an added quirck you can add onto them. the quick would be something like improved shielding in return for less health or removing sprinting in return for a bonus to reload speed & weapon damage.
To further balance this out, mercenary pilots would be a bit harder to level up or even require you to spent credits too to level them up since they are mercenaries and not regular pilots. in return normal pilots should get a tiny boost as well to the type of weapon they're using, nothing too big though but for example maybe beam weapon pilots get improved rang for their beam weapons whilst assualt pilots can get a very small bonus in maybe reload speed for onlytheir assual weapons.