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The downfall of Mech Arena

The downfall of Mech Arena

Nov 17, 2023, 13:1811/17/23

The downfall of Mech Arena

The game was fine, but it became too complicated like all mobile games have. First it added pilots, which no one wanted and ruined the game by making it even more pay to win . Then, a year later they added the "rebalancing update" which made the game even more p2w and rendered a bunch of mechs that people bought with real money, useless. Then the EM rifle ban which a lot of players disliked because it made the weapons they bought useless still AND gave an advantage to PC players. Then the gear hub came and made the game even more p2w because we have to buy mechs and weapons to get the mechs and weapons we want at ridiculous pieces. And the worst part not everything was available for in game currency like they promised, fragment guns and other weapons are bought with real money still. While all this is happening, Acoins are getting harder and harder to get and the matchmaking was bad through all of this. They're trying to recover with new mech looks and new music but mech arena will never be good again. The only reason I log on anymore is to see how the game got worse. 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 17, 2023, 13:3311/17/23

Hello! Thanks a lot for your feedback, we will consider it!

We understand the reason why you are upset about the game. Still, we are on the way to making it much more advanced, and definitely, the current state of it is not final.

From my point of view, it's not p2w (however, I need to admit that it depends on which aspects can be considered p2w and which are not). Currently, all the Weapons and Mechs in Gear Hub can be purchased for in-game Resources, which can be grinded. Surely, the novelties are still not available for Resources yet, but players can acquire them later! In this way, spending helps to speed up the progress and receive access to novelties earlier. It doesn't guarantee the winning.

Talking about the changes in balance and stuff, sometimes they are necessary to keep the game developing. We have numerous great plans and do hope that you will enjoy them. PvE is on the way. Will see what else we will have a chance to develop!

Nov 17, 2023, 20:0911/17/23
Nov 17, 2023, 20:10(edited)

Hello! Thanks a lot for your feedback, we will consider it!

We understand the reason why you are upset about the game. Still, we are on the way to making it much more advanced, and definitely, the current state of it is not final.

From my point of view, it's not p2w (however, I need to admit that it depends on which aspects can be considered p2w and which are not). Currently, all the Weapons and Mechs in Gear Hub can be purchased for in-game Resources, which can be grinded. Surely, the novelties are still not available for Resources yet, but players can acquire them later! In this way, spending helps to speed up the progress and receive access to novelties earlier. It doesn't guarantee the winning.

Talking about the changes in balance and stuff, sometimes they are necessary to keep the game developing. We have numerous great plans and do hope that you will enjoy them. PvE is on the way. Will see what else we will have a chance to develop!

This is an absolute, bald-faced, LIE.  Unless of course, you somehow consider CASH to be an in-game currency.

Here's just TWO screenshots that absolutely, positively, prove your statement to be a lie.  Notice the highlighted items.



Nov 17, 2023, 21:2411/17/23

Hey, whoa.   Hold on there.  Let's not runin what is possibly the most candid and thoughtful response from CrystalDrew we have received with technicalities.  We all know new items will go through a period of pay to obtain before they get to the "use A-Coins" to obtain mode.  This is what CrystlDrew is calling "novelties".  Reread the post, I don't see any lies.

I may not agree with all points of view from CD, but this is one I'll give em.  

Nov 17, 2023, 21:5711/17/23

Hey, whoa.   Hold on there.  Let's not runin what is possibly the most candid and thoughtful response from CrystalDrew we have received with technicalities.  We all know new items will go through a period of pay to obtain before they get to the "use A-Coins" to obtain mode.  This is what CrystlDrew is calling "novelties".  Reread the post, I don't see any lies.

I may not agree with all points of view from CD, but this is one I'll give em.  

You don't?  HEre's CD's quote...

"Currently, all the Weapons and Mechs in Gear Hub can be purchased for in-game Resources, which can be grinded. "

The items I highlighted need cash.  They only way to "grind" cash is to go to work.  And that is NOT an in-game currency.

Nov 18, 2023, 07:4911/18/23

I think the real Problem is not that you have to spend real money for new items. I can live with that. The problem is the insane high amount of ingame currency you have to pay for the older items. If you are going for f2p it will last years to grind the amount of acoins only to get to the next tier. And here is the next Problem - they reduced the sources for acoins nearly to zero. Aditionally - the number of items you can get for credits is very VERY low.

Nov 18, 2023, 15:0011/18/23

Hello! Thanks a lot for your feedback, we will consider it!

We understand the reason why you are upset about the game. Still, we are on the way to making it much more advanced, and definitely, the current state of it is not final.

From my point of view, it's not p2w (however, I need to admit that it depends on which aspects can be considered p2w and which are not). Currently, all the Weapons and Mechs in Gear Hub can be purchased for in-game Resources, which can be grinded. Surely, the novelties are still not available for Resources yet, but players can acquire them later! In this way, spending helps to speed up the progress and receive access to novelties earlier. It doesn't guarantee the winning.

Talking about the changes in balance and stuff, sometimes they are necessary to keep the game developing. We have numerous great plans and do hope that you will enjoy them. PvE is on the way. Will see what else we will have a chance to develop!

Do you consider cash an in game currency? Because some of the items are only available for cash.

Nov 19, 2023, 09:0111/19/23

I think what frightens me the most are the last three sentences of CD. The last GREAT PLANS they implemented in the game were terrible. Only made to suck the last buck out of your wallet.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 20, 2023, 11:5811/20/23

Do you consider cash an in game currency? Because some of the items are only available for cash.

"[...] Currently, all the Weapons and Mechs in Gear Hub can be purchased for in-game Resources, which can be grinded. Surely, the novelties are still not available for Resources yet, but players can acquire them later!"

Nov 20, 2023, 23:3511/20/23

"[...] Currently, all the Weapons and Mechs in Gear Hub can be purchased for in-game Resources, which can be grinded. Surely, the novelties are still not available for Resources yet, but players can acquire them later!"

But those "novelties" ARE in the gear hub and each of them is a mech and weapo. therefore, not every item in gear hub is available for in game resources. So either all items are available for in game resources or not all of them are. PICK ONE

Nov 20, 2023, 23:4111/20/23
Nov 21, 2023, 00:58(edited)

May I also add that nobody cares about your many plans for the future that has nothing to do with any of our complaints as players and former players of this fake game. "Oh you're unhappy about choices we deem necessary but won't tell you why they are so necessary, we hope you like our future plans that will either offer no improvements to mech arena or make it worse like every other update so far"

Just keep repeating the same stupid, tone deaf responses. That'll help, I'm sure of it. NEVERMIND THAT IT HASN'T HELPED ONCE!

Oh yeah, and I consider the statement that the unpopular changes are "necessary" to be a LIE!

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 21, 2023, 12:4411/21/23

But those "novelties" ARE in the gear hub and each of them is a mech and weapo. therefore, not every item in gear hub is available for in game resources. So either all items are available for in game resources or not all of them are. PICK ONE

They all will be available in Gear Hub, but in perspective

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 21, 2023, 12:4511/21/23

May I also add that nobody cares about your many plans for the future that has nothing to do with any of our complaints as players and former players of this fake game. "Oh you're unhappy about choices we deem necessary but won't tell you why they are so necessary, we hope you like our future plans that will either offer no improvements to mech arena or make it worse like every other update so far"

Just keep repeating the same stupid, tone deaf responses. That'll help, I'm sure of it. NEVERMIND THAT IT HASN'T HELPED ONCE!

Oh yeah, and I consider the statement that the unpopular changes are "necessary" to be a LIE!

Offensive tone of voice. First warning

Nov 21, 2023, 16:0111/21/23

Offensive tone of voice. First warning

Wow.  There's the "Oh, you're upset with our lies and lack of listening to the community.  Stgop this or we'll ban you!"

Way to PROVE to the community how little you care.

Let me guess ... I'M BANNED!  lol

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 21, 2023, 16:2211/21/23

Wow.  There's the "Oh, you're upset with our lies and lack of listening to the community.  Stgop this or we'll ban you!"

Way to PROVE to the community how little you care.

Let me guess ... I'M BANNED!  lol

I don't see any violations, explicit language, or something like that in your message. I'll repeat it one more time - criticism is okay. Speculations are okay. Questioning my words is okay. Violating the rules is not okay.

Nov 22, 2023, 22:5911/22/23

They all will be available in Gear Hub, but in perspective

They are in gear hub or they're not. Don't rationalize your doublespeak with more doublespeak.

By the way, your definition of pay to win is one I've argued with your team twice over. Of course I got mad at them because they asserted their opinion was the correct one rather than stating they didn't think mech arena is pay to win and even doubled down. I don't know if that's the opinion the specialists want you to give people or a lot of your team thinks the same about pay to win. God I hope they didn't ask you about that in the job interview or tell you that in training or anything.

Anyways I'll tell you what I told them. That's not how pay to win works. If it was, virtually no would be pay to win. I'll offer an alternate definition. The paying player has a distinct advantage over the non-paying player, a player who spends significantly more than another has a distinct advantage over them, and/ or there exists a premium currency that isn't earnable or is unreasonably difficult to grind for. Disregard what you think makes p2w. Do you believe Mech Arena meets the criteria I've laid out for p2w? I believe mech arena meets these criteria, and is therefore p2w.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 23, 2023, 10:0611/23/23

They are in gear hub or they're not. Don't rationalize your doublespeak with more doublespeak.

By the way, your definition of pay to win is one I've argued with your team twice over. Of course I got mad at them because they asserted their opinion was the correct one rather than stating they didn't think mech arena is pay to win and even doubled down. I don't know if that's the opinion the specialists want you to give people or a lot of your team thinks the same about pay to win. God I hope they didn't ask you about that in the job interview or tell you that in training or anything.

Anyways I'll tell you what I told them. That's not how pay to win works. If it was, virtually no would be pay to win. I'll offer an alternate definition. The paying player has a distinct advantage over the non-paying player, a player who spends significantly more than another has a distinct advantage over them, and/ or there exists a premium currency that isn't earnable or is unreasonably difficult to grind for. Disregard what you think makes p2w. Do you believe Mech Arena meets the criteria I've laid out for p2w? I believe mech arena meets these criteria, and is therefore p2w.

I have already answered you. You are free to reread the texts above ⬆️ 

We are talking about p2w, which means pay to win. One is paying, and due to this, they are winning. Paying in our game doesn't guarantee winning. Of course, your statement makes sense, but it's fair to admit that it depends on the point of view and connotation of the "p2w" term. I don't think that my statements are groundless or incorrect as well.

Nov 23, 2023, 13:2011/23/23
Nov 23, 2023, 13:25(edited)

I have already answered you. You are free to reread the texts above ⬆️ 

We are talking about p2w, which means pay to win. One is paying, and due to this, they are winning. Paying in our game doesn't guarantee winning. Of course, your statement makes sense, but it's fair to admit that it depends on the point of view and connotation of the "p2w" term. I don't think that my statements are groundless or incorrect as well.

So okay let's go off the definition that p2w means paying must guarantee winning. That means if 90% of paying players are winning more than f2p, the 10% not winning more makes it not pay to win. Is that correct?

Besides, you did not mention whether you think mech arena fits my definition. You simply conceded whether or not somethingis pay to win depends on your definition. Therefore you did not answer me.

I've got another question. If the community consensus was mech arena is too pay to win, is it pay to win?

Nov 24, 2023, 18:5111/24/23

Hey lets not make hasty compliments 

Nov 28, 2023, 13:0211/28/23

You don't?  HEre's CD's quote...

"Currently, all the Weapons and Mechs in Gear Hub can be purchased for in-game Resources, which can be grinded. "

The items I highlighted need cash.  They only way to "grind" cash is to go to work.  And that is NOT an in-game currency.

I just want you to look at my profile picture... yes, it is an EM Rifle. And I still remember that when they were new, they were not 'free'. But now, if I would save my A-Coins, I would be able to buy EM 8 in like a month or two. The key to success is waiting and saving, I know it's hard, but I am not spending my Acoins for a time now, just to buy one weapon.

Dec 1, 2023, 09:5312/01/23

You are absolutely right bro. This game also seems p2w to me. Before the major update from progress path to gear hub, I'm about to unlock SURGE as i have grinded enough A-Coins. But after the update i have to start all again and have unlock TIERS by spending A-Coins. Now I'm at tier-5 with 300 A-coins. So, ultimately i need to grind for 2 years to get Surge without spending cash. Also devopers have stopped the fortune key's loot rush where we can earn A-Coins. So, it is really difficult to get them. I think after 1-2 month I'll get bored from this game and I'll uninstall it. Very disappointed with the developers and their so called f2p updates. 😡