New weapon ideas!😁
Hey these are 3 Ideas I came up the other day and decided to share them with y'all! Let me know what you guys think!
1. A new weapon, Acid sprayer, a legendary close quarters weapon that comes in the varients of 8, 12, and 16. It would have the "Toxic" perk that is similar to redox's caustic blast, except that it deal dmg based of a percentage of the mechs maximum hp. It would also have recharging trait and devastating.
At its one star stats(this is for the 8) dmg per mag would be 20,625. per shot would be 825. mag be 25. rpm of 300. Acid dmg would be 2% of mech max hp. optimal range 0 - 20m. max range would be 30m, and a hit cone of 20. And reload of 13s. Implants can increase range, dmg and acid dmg.
2. A new mech, E.V, a rare support mech, with an energy capacity of 4 at one star and increases by 2 to a maximum of 16. It perk would be "support line", It attaches a amp to a near by mech healing and boosting thier dmg. Within a 30m range with a heal of 1720 and boost of 5%(note this is at one star stats). The low armor trait and needs teamwork trait.
At one star starts it would have an energy capacity of 4. Hp of 10,356. speed of 22km/h. abilty cooldown of 9s. A duration of 9. Teamate mech heal speed of 1720. support line range of 30m. implants can increase the heal, boost and range of support line.
3. a new weapon, cluster shot, a rare barrage weapon that comes in the variants of 4, 6, 8, and 12. It would have the perk "no escape". on impact of gernade it sends 3 smaller gernades in different directions(note mechs hit by first nade are also take cluster dm X 1). With a squad wiper trait and no Lock trait(with this gun the rectical around mechs will not be present requiring focused aiming).
At one star stats(this for the 4) dmg per mag would be 22,134. dmg per shot would be 3,689. Mag of 6. Rpm of 100. Cluster dmg of 2,461. Optimal range of 0-80m. Max range of 80m. and cooldown of 7s. implants can increase the dmg range and cluster dmg.
Thats all for now let me know what you guys think! chaos an hatred!💔