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Community manger hides when time is rough

Community manger hides when time is rough

May 24, 2023, 05:5605/24/23

Community manger hides when time is rough

You got some p2w hurting because of a dumb decision that hurts the hand that feeds. 

What exactly is the justification for people who spent money and time to max multiple EMs just to end up not being able to use them? 

Help us make sense of people's losses. Should we stop buying since plarium will only end up nerfing them? 

We already lost Tengu, SG8, stalker and arc torrent variants. What's next? What's really the endgame here? Help us make sense of these unnecessary losses. 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
May 24, 2023, 11:0605/24/23

Hello! We are trying to respond to everyone, but due to the large amount of feedback, it's not possible for us to cover everything quickly.

We've changed EM Rifle based on the feedback collected for months, calculations, and analyses. The Weapon was overpowered, but now it's more balanced. Nevertheless, it still remains one of the best Weapons in the game

May 24, 2023, 13:1705/24/23

Hello! We are trying to respond to everyone, but due to the large amount of feedback, it's not possible for us to cover everything quickly.

We've changed EM Rifle based on the feedback collected for months, calculations, and analyses. The Weapon was overpowered, but now it's more balanced. Nevertheless, it still remains one of the best Weapons in the game

The only thing they want to balance are the things they want to sell. What about people who spent money for a weapon they can't use anymore?

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
May 24, 2023, 13:3405/24/23
lulu minator

The only thing they want to balance are the things they want to sell. What about people who spent money for a weapon they can't use anymore?

As was mentioned in my previous message, EM Rifle remains to be one of the greatest Weapons in the game

May 24, 2023, 14:5805/24/23

The worst part is that they literally gave away all the no longer op crap to f2p after the the so called 'grade update'