MechArena - Windows (bugs to join match, and menu bugs?) Im angry!
Months ago I did not play, today I decided to reinstall it on Windows and all day have been bugs!
1. He was going to enter the game and started downloading resources, suddenly the download is 90% logged
2. Restart the game I try to enter a quick game and it stays ETERNALLY looking for game.
3. I uninstall and reinstall the game, the game or bus bugs continue in some less than they never loaded.
4. I uninstall game, clear cache of Plarium Play, Login, install the game, login, follow the same bugs.
5. I uninstall the game, I uninstall Plarium play, Restart Windows 11 (I have to say that my Windows works PERFECTLY, plus I have symmetrical fiber optic 250Mbps), restart Windows, reinstall Plarium Play, I will log in and this message comes out: "You have reached the limit of sending outgoing messages. Please wait a while and try again."
I'm really UPSET, how can it be that I can not play fluently and without stupidities like a few months ago!?