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Rocket Mortars should be removed entirely and replaced with the MagnumRocket Mortars should be removed entirely and replaced with the Magnum

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Rocket Mortars should be removed entirely and replaced with the Magnum

Sep 19, 2022, 05:5809/19/22

Rocket Mortars should be removed entirely and replaced with the Magnum

In my opinion, Rocket Mortars should be removed entirely. Nerfing them or adding a roof over the spawn won't solve their fundamental problem: Rocket Mortars can be fired from cover and strike almost anywhere on the map with zero skill.

It's highly unlikely that Plarium would want to remove artillery aspect of Mech Arena entirely, so I have a suggestion: replace the Rocket Mortars with an artillery cannon, like the Magnum turret from the Tanki Online game.

In Tanki Online, the Magnum turret is similar to a howitzer gun. In the game, the Magnum requires a lot of skill and experience to use effectively. The gun can rotate vertically up or down 90 degrees and fire from 0% to 100% power. By combining the gun elevation and firing power, you can fire a round to a specific distance and at a specific trajectory to fire over walls and buildings

The Magnum cannot auto-aim like the Rocket Mortar, and you can add additional handicapps like prevent the mech from moving or rotating while in the firing process.

Sep 25, 2022, 09:1709/25/22

Hi I play Mech 

Sep 25, 2022, 09:1809/25/22

My brother told me to play Mech arena he is a division 4 

Oct 13, 2022, 16:4010/13/22

I've found that RMs and LAs are the cheapest and most effective weapon to use and upgrade. The RMs level the playing field, especially against OP/$2W players. All the OP clans use a combination of maxed bots/pilots/weapons/implants and the RMs are almost always deployed. As with most bot/weapon combinations you learn to use them and how to counteract them being used against you. And because they are the most "hated"(DLs too?), when you deploy them you become a target immediately.

Dec 16, 2022, 17:0512/16/22

No. They should be nerfed.

every other game will have overpowered new stuff, then nerf it.

There isnt anything wrong with nerfing, but the power grab is alittle bit of money grab for the distributers.