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Voltaic RPG questions

Aug 8, 2022, 12:2408/08/22

Voltaic RPG questions

So...I got VRPG 16 on my one spin in the crate event awhile ago. I had gotten epic implants for damage and range in basic implant crate dailys, and I just pulled the legendary reload from a daily.

I hadn't been planning on using VRPG at all, but at this point...

What would be a good mid/late game setup for these and are they worth leveling/ranking up?

Dec 17, 2022, 23:3512/17/22


i would sugest realizing this as special weapon used to gain victory in the way it used to and just straight up do damage blow crap up.

honestly, i am not even afraid of voltaic rpg when i am a sniper and rail gun user. Not really, i mean, it vpcan get me killed, and i have stop shooting, but as long i stop shooting, its not as effective is if i wasted my clip and relode.

in mid, i bet players are not intelligent or skilled enough to know to loterally wait to shoot for special weapons.

i guess what im saying, is that just using it because you git it and its energy 16 might be a goid idea. It might be good, or you might simply be better off avoiding it most of the time.

as long you understsnd that it is not weapon you gain voctory by raw power that it is a weapon and it shoots, but it is using it like tool rather a weapon, you are good to go.

if you noticed, using it on a sniper is peak usage. I dont want to say this but im helpfull... the best thing you can do is shoot once, wait, shoot once, wait, shoot once, wait. 

This is not a weapon that you get a llot kills with. As long as you use the weapon to cause your team win, you are doing good.

oh, and by the way, snipers strategically decide weather to cause damage or finish someone off, and good onese, like me, who will put your team in loosing situation whilegetting less kill (notice i dint say my team) by waiting until the best time to cause surge damage. Usually this means waiting until three on three or two on two and eliimating the enemy so that its wto on one or three on two until you are done reloding and then another bad guy blows up. Snipers. Will also decide to elinate a mech that can serious damage to their team, or just some other choice.

   Do in other words, thats allready how people with other guns than that weapon litterally cause their team to win without doing it by getting more damage or kills faster,so doing it with a rocket is a little uncenvtional, but not in terams of weapon in general.

oh gues what happens hpwhen a sniper gets hit by a single anoying shot by that obnoxioous weapon? They arnet doing battlefeild fate wizardry causing you to loose in ways you probably arent realizing is happening. If they do shoot, they are probably misisng and the roloading. So using it to destroy strategy that is your team is invisibly being subject to that youn probably dont even comprehend is happening can be shut down with this gun.

and sniping is booring and draining and requires startegy. So if you annoy so eone, spchances are a new sniper is probaly only good at shooting like litterally ten shots a day until they get good. Then they have to increase the endurance. Its takes so much focus to lead single shot, that if you pull this bullcrap on them, they could possibly not be capable of hitting anything. Or, they need need a full clip to kill.

   Basically, this is a gpfiness weapon more power in hands that are skilled and how to use it roght, and capable for being used to jack with the fate to the match, or atleast be used to turn this into a full blown strategy game that most people are simply not going understand is happening. Or counter. The most anoying thing, is the second you this on a sniper wizard, his shinanigans are shut down hes no longer weacving the fate of the match or playing mister strategy man. In other words, you can counter that by sinply shooting someone with this gun, and you can do do a better job, by lower your dps and being a little more boored and frustrating tge heck out of a sniper. 

Be aware though if you use this to bumb rush someone, and the retical has. Probability cloud the is fully contained in your sillohette, he can litterally close range you if he a sniper that can do tha, so you bumbrush a sniper with this, hetting so close, might mean he can shoot his whole clip now into you despite the fact that newer snipers can handle close ranges.

it litterally just takes getting used to. Close does only take dos i. The hands of a skilled sniper.

but you said mid game, so chances are you can just bum rush the dude.

keep in mind that if the person, or bot, can hit you when reticle moves where you are better he can turn or aim, he may actually become able to hit you. but chances are you dont have worry about that.

spaced shots.

and being with a teamamte nearby. 

And being obnoxious to snipers and people who leverage weapons as victory cuasers.