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Stasis effect severityStasis effect severity

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Stasis effect severity

Jul 21, 2022, 11:0807/21/22

Stasis effect severity

It seems like the slowing effect of stasis beams and things like the Tengu/Panther ability don't affect all players the same. Is there an ability to mitigate the effect/severity of the stasis effect? Is it an implant or something I haven't seen before or am I mistaken.

Dec 17, 2022, 23:5312/17/22


i like to use quardian to shut down the wall.

you really dont need to system crash the mech. If you are behind cover, and panther is too far away, and they place down a mile of wall and you have just enough feet to break that wall, there is verry good chance that panther is overstended and has just given a death sentance while not being system crashed istelf.

its same thing buble sheilds.

you dont have to use stuf conventionally or the way you would imagine its meant to be used.

oancer is an invulnerable mech because the sky has cover in it for some reason, and ofter have walls behind.

you can also jump missile pods, and bots are predictable and you get close enough, you can jump there abilities.

you can also jump and if so eone stasised you and you have kills shot, you are facing a good dorection, that ability is how you get behind cover and out of stasis.

i might be talking freeze, i thinks its sinulare. 

but allot zypheres will litterall stand in from of your missiles apor go off when you system crash disabling both.

and bots are dumb. You can litterally approach, become invisible to it behind a wall, and system crash it while you are both in range of eachother and make it go boom.

   i wouldnt say you are mistaken, i would just say look it differently. If you have the dash implant, that means you can go verry far while frozen.

you can also use your abilies while slowed. A wall is nice. A real wall is nice to.

not jumping out in the open if your moving also probably good.

lets see.

No one told you you must expose youself. Forxen will god fast. use any mech or anything as a barier. You should probably always beable to jump behind cover. You can fight three mechs at unce if one is sheilding from two.

oh yeah, my favorite.

bots litterally have dumb aim and will miss you for few seconds before having perfect aim. So, a wal is great resetting that. You can cricles around one, get behind a wal, rest its aim and stasis,a nd do a circle again. Honestly, going in one direction might work out of cover, then if before stasis hits. It goes down fast, if you fpare almost behind cover, you could potentiall recover.

you can use sprint, but is slowed too, so getting behind a wall, then teruning around,a dn then fcing the bad guy and getting vpbehind the wall is great.

oh, and satis can literally help you aim.

yeah. Do not get excited if you stasised a sniper. You are a version crampus that has a posative version of his junk To give for free. You will get your just tarts. And you wont like them.