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Are the Bots getting tougher or is it me?Are the Bots getting tougher or is it me?

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Are the Bots getting tougher or is it me?

Jun 9, 2022, 12:0106/09/22

Are the Bots getting tougher or is it me?

So recently, I’ve noticed a significant increase in the power of bots I battle. I’m seeing bots with 3 legendary implants, that are maxed or almost maxed. In the past I really did not have a big problem getting MVP, but now it’s a struggle. Has anyone else experienced this bump in bot power

Jun 10, 2022, 16:4806/10/22
Jun 10, 2022, 16:56(edited)

Yes, since the update that decreased the inital pilots unlock point down to 1k on the progress path there has been a steady bot power creep; in my observation. 

To be perfectly honest in my mind bots should only be used as cheap filler for absentee players, not to be competitive. So in this instance the easiest fix would be to set the AI parameter to exclude inclusions of pilots at all for their generated builds. While this wouldn't fix some of the ongoing; but bareable, annoyences of instant auto locks, pack hunting when you're the only player on a side, glitches that have a random bot on your team do essentially nothing, and the lovely fact that ally impeding contact is a thing 😒, it WOULD greatly help the current off and; increasingly more on, match imbalances taking place.

Dec 18, 2022, 00:3712/18/22

I actually use bot being more powerfull to win.

they wont die quickly and random when they all storm the central control point on the fly map, so they wont spawn in when you capture to point like, three times, or maybe even four. Then they are cut into groups and threinforcemnets hike from home base, then get the control point captured.

higher levels are good when kills shots dont archer missiles, or any other mech, because i like to use kill shot, and its quite val urable to that garbage