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Intentional increase in power after upgradingIntentional increase in power after upgrading

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Intentional increase in power after upgrading

May 16, 2022, 08:0105/16/22

Intentional increase in power after upgrading

I love playing this game, but it seems that every time I upgrade my mechs or weapons, the AI mechs that I play against get that much harder. Then after the game is done all these offers all of a sudden pop up. It honestly seems intentional by the game developers. I don't mind playing against AI but I've  been playing quite a while now and have noticed that I will win a few matches after upgrading then the difficulty increases to the point that it doesn't seem possible with the XP and weapons I have. I hope that soon the game will have enough players that AI isn't necessary. I also really hope that the developers aren't doing this on purpose in an effort to get more money out of players. It would be a shame because at this point I'm very close to playing another game regardless of the amount I've spent already. Wondering if anyone else has noticed anything similar or maybe I'm just losing my mind? At the end of the day it's a game but not enjoyable if things aren't fair.
