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Devs PLEASE balance Arc torrents, disc launchers, and rocket mortarsDevs PLEASE balance Arc torrents, disc launchers, and rocket mortars

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Devs PLEASE balance Arc torrents, disc launchers, and rocket mortars

May 9, 2022, 07:5905/09/22

Devs PLEASE balance Arc torrents, disc launchers, and rocket mortars

Arc torrents: they’re supposed to be a “close range” weapon but range implants have made it so enemies can hit me across the map and do crazy damage because of how strong arcs are and the fact that they never miss if you’re in range. The amount the range implant can increase your range needs to be reduced

Disc launchers: because discs are actually more effective without the lock on by allowing players to manually aim and do splash damage to side and back this incentivizes players to hang far back and let people approach them. The radius of the splash damage means that even far behind cover you aren’t safe, it’s ridiculous and makes it nearly impossible to approach someone with discs. The radius of the splash damage needs a heavy reduction or they should make it poison tick damage that only applies if the player stays in the “splash zone”

Rocket mortars: this one is pretty obvious, the weapon incentivizes players to sit in their spawn hiding in cover, most mechs are much to slow to avoid the salvo even if they run as soon as the indicator shows. The damage and radius need a heavy nerf.
