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How can I distinguish between bots and real players?How can I distinguish between bots and real players?

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How can I distinguish between bots and real players?

May 5, 2022, 12:2305/05/22

How can I distinguish between bots and real players?

I've heard this game is flooded with bots but how can I know who's the impostor? If someone emotes or stays in team does it confirm him to be a real player

May 7, 2022, 14:0105/07/22

Bots stay in teams, so don't let that fool you.  Usually when someone uses an emote, they are real.  Unless you know who you're playing against, bots are pretty good at pretending to be real.  You can see how they move, when they capture a point, they go in circles scanning.  

They will also run defense for the enemy team, blocking your shots, getting in your way, pushing you out from cover and even use different weapons while showing another type.  They teleport and just regain health when they are about to die.

It's annoying.  10+ million downloads and I play with the same 5 bots.  So make friends, and your own team.  I hope once clans are introduced you will see more player-vs-player action.

Aug 1, 2022, 22:0108/01/22

You just explained so many things I have wondered about. 

Aug 1, 2022, 23:5508/01/22
Aug 1, 2022, 23:55(edited)

Bots will also share the same load out. They rotate load outs monthly or so.

For example, the current Ares bot load out is one stasis beam on the left arm, nothing on the right arm, with the Stars and Stripes skin. 

Aug 31, 2022, 13:0508/31/22

After a game see who you can send a friend invite to. You won't be able to send invites to bots.

Nov 5, 2022, 17:4711/05/22

damn that list of bots is good confirmation, basically anyone annoying is on there

Nov 8, 2022, 16:1411/08/22

Reading a bot nickname list.

Nov 16, 2022, 14:1311/16/22

The easiest way is to go to friends list and look at recommendations. ALL real players will be listed there. You will find no bots there. So jujst remember a name in game and look there afterward.

Dec 8, 2022, 16:2612/08/22

they will have 2 of the same weapon or have a common setup like: Juggernaut & Ares with Arc Torrent 10 & 6, Cheetah with Javelin Rack 6 &4, Guardian, Paragon, & Arachnos with Stasis Beam 16 & Thermal Lance 4,  and Lancer with RPGs

Dec 13, 2022, 19:1112/13/22

You can do a google search and find all the bots names, I found it before, dont remember the page. Found it again:

This is nonsence.

what are talking about?

This isn't territorial io, the bot name list is identicle to the entire real player list.

i hvae never played with non player coppied bots.

player makes a mech, it gets cloned.

     why do you think you cant befreind people after you played with them first?

because they real people the first time, and a bot or real after words.

     i don't lnow what people are talking about the rptating loadout, but there is not doubt the possibility of bots that arent exact coppies of players.

   This is why cpc you should be able to notice bots from players.

if you know you are playing against my bots, well i have a really bad bot loadout that requires human intelligence and no bad aiming, as, as i meantioned before, bots litterally miss and shoot alll there crap fro a time until you stood out in the open long enough for perfect aim. Put a sheild down or hide behind cover to have them waste their ammo. And my squad is lower. I however, most certainly am not.

    I have low power, but i am quite skilled.

if you cant the difference, not only will I likely win my cpc, but my weekest mechs will like

not only distract you, but waste your ammo, and your abilities and probably destroy you and take little damage, even my paper meche. So if stand out there with your damage spunging and you tank cannons, you will probably die.

i also like disposing of my mech when it becomes more profitable to use a different mech now, so yeah, its verry i portant to know when your dealing witha player, becuase players can have you chasing one control point ebecause they shot at the bots, hid behind cover, the bots on your team ignored them, then shot the bots again, then captured your teams control point, you lost two mechs, or the one he damaged is hiding(maybe a player who now cant contribute) and two bots spawned at base for the point, just to have your oponents team (his own) capture central, because now its five on one and do it again and get ability shut down mechs after the most powerfull mechs from players were spent first and bots are dumb so the powerfull bots will be destroyed.

Dec 13, 2022, 20:1712/13/22
Dec 13, 2022, 20:24(edited)

Bots stay in teams, so don't let that fool you.  Usually when someone uses an emote, they are real.  Unless you know who you're playing against, bots are pretty good at pretending to be real.  You can see how they move, when they capture a point, they go in circles scanning.  

They will also run defense for the enemy team, blocking your shots, getting in your way, pushing you out from cover and even use different weapons while showing another type.  They teleport and just regain health when they are about to die.

It's annoying.  10+ million downloads and I play with the same 5 bots.  So make friends, and your own team.  I hope once clans are introduced you will see more player-vs-player action.

There's more.

Bots are dumb and predictable. Bots under stuff will shoot their missles into the ceiling and shoot at you when you are protected by one.

They will swarm the central control point and when capture the one at home base, they will often spend two bots at home base, leaving three likely damgaed mechs with entire team of five likely about to shut down the spawn and/ or kill them.

then recapture spawn an repeat it.

Players will likely select the best mech for the right mode on the right map for the right tactic first.

So when players loose two mechs, they are easy pickings if they like to kill, and you spent your paper meche control point capturing mech killing a mech, damaging a mech, so it hides and helps less, and breaking up the entire enemy team into chunks, while you have two me weeker mechs to either capture, shut down powerful mechs (players or buts) or damage mechs for easy destruction later. And by shut down i mean gun load out and maybe running onto a control point when the badies have a few mechs just to die so that the bots will spawn isntantly in a bad spot and take forever to rienforce. Later using powerful mechs to shut down powers or kill, or snipe as they now have to chase control points orand die or loose anyway. 

if they are bots however, they may pick random mechs, meaning that you can litterly hide behind cover after having them target you and keep their damage of the team, missing, and then damage them before hiding again causing their programmed missing and ability missfiring to start back uo again before they GET PERFECT AIM and reset that crap, ehile using cover, or abilitie covers to have them waste all their shots, becUse when they shoot, they shoot, they start, they finish. Then they reload. Great time to take advantage OF THEIR PERFECT AIM after being targeted long enoguh and get behind cover. 

    They also will likely show their power after the players have used their best mechs, and dont know how to use the mechs the best and you can destroy the powerful mechs or shut them down with better mechs after causing the whole situation because bots act a certain way. Meaning that in terms of power, you have split the enemy team in half even if they in the same spot. If there are powerfull mechs all alone, they can be ignored and you kill two week mechs, or ignore them and destroy the powerful mechs.

    When you know bots will target a goal, you can litterally let the power mongerers roll past you to capture the central control point because you they will stay alive and spawn at home base when they do die or run backwards. And while they stay in that silly little circle, they can be shot at while pooping out of and into cover so they cant even shoot you no matter powerfull they are,mand if you are behind, cover, but they can supee you, they might speend their whole arsenle of weaponry and relode and if you want bad aim to flank them, you dont have be visible to reset it.

      If you know bots from players, you might not have let me chop your team in half in two dimensions and cause you to have have not enough shots to destroy five bots before someone steps on the control point and causes the beackup to spawn emediately (if they are bots) 70 meters or more away and crawl back because they wont sprint until reasons while killing atleast one of you before maybe two more come back by the time the two idiots come back to have that happen again. Because you know, you have the  more powerful  team, you don't die quick enoguh to stop it happening twice, and then having powerfull or weak mechs being detroyed with probably back up mechs, or not, and those mechs doing it maybe two more times each, and now you have maybe ten points and they 50, and these shinangigans arent over yet, and you have stand on the control points just to have your useful mechs sniped at, and probably more of that crap cutting your team up, or condensing you in a spot where gues what will happen (Yeah thats right you capture one, you loose one) uh oh. Someone got sniped again. and you probably know that you are dealing with a player, unlike the bots, the player might decide to support the team mates instead of letting you three on one or control point for whatever is btter for him. which basically mean you will likely have ninety points for the enemy and maybe fifty your are lucky and probably three control points, or two for them. Ypand you the player knows, that since its a race, taking a point, and letting you have three while stiil two, and only one control point left and your four or two, still means loosing.

And no, that dude is probably not going to let fight all three if you last man standing, because you are about to loose anyway.

 If you understand players versus bots, you can litterally be a lower player with low power team, and against a high power team and win untill the new team is simply way, way too much. 

     Bots will fire under a ceiling

     Bots will fire into a ceiling

     Bots will typically use and fire their whole clip and ofter use expending a clip as reloding

     If visable behind cover, bots may not target head shots

     If behind cover,  bots may not understan where their guns are.

      If they are leading the bots will probably not facter in ienvironmental factors.

     Bots may not use all the ammo, but that doesnt mean they are doing it the have the ammo they need later, its is weighted differently just so that snipers dont expend the whole clip on a single shot, making my previous advice just a but more complicated.

  BOTS are on a perfect aim timer. You can strafe them if they havent been targetting long enough, then they snap to you and you wont mislead them

   PLAYERS do not have instant shot leading reaction and sensativity at lightning speed like bots, which is why bots move back and fourth (because while your unpridactibke mivements are in skow motion for them as they have bullet time), you have to sit there and no when they likely change direction.

    Bots have primary targets, but that doesnt mean they wont switch and do other stuff first. But if if you understand that the primary gaol is first, you understand they will snap to it if you havent changed the target to your epself and they are only doing prosue target unles x. If you know they are going to control point, and they are targeting you are there and visble, you know that when pop vehind cover, they will ignore you because they havent havent their goal, but if they dont have a goal, that can be decided, then as soon as you give them one (you) your cover trick means a staring contest a persu chase and you shoould probably use the cover to get behind a second cover because it coming to harvest your sould and might not stand there and let you do some the crap i said, but you do while also moving backwards, (in other words the targeting nonsence applies, but it chasing, you planting itself like your vegetables (so if you have a second cover, it might waste amo or all of it.)

      Bots will spawn imediately (cooldown. Applies).

       Players, might hold back and spawn smarter in either better spot, or wait for the same spot, or they know there will be a spot and they are going to pop there. Or spawn ina shut down mech on yours, because he has invulnerability, and bots are not to wait and fire the second you pop out of it with your ability, and player doesnt have the reaction time or predictobilty. Well... youd be suprised. If you make it obvious. I mean, there is a cool down limit, so dont be surpsied if someone like me firse the second it is removed. Oh and distance is reaction time as most abilities move kind of slowly.

    Bbots will likely shoot as soon as you spawn in, and use abilities. Meaning if you a use a shut down mech and the team has a nuke gun and two shut downs, and they are bots, they will unleash everything they have when you spawn, and you relode, while they are, that is when you use your shut down, because you didnt need to use it when spawned in. Meaning, you can can now shoot twice and do with sniper and probably destroy the shut down mech and put one bot in front of the nuke gun so it fires into its team mate as its doesnt understand its gun placement, projectiles or objects on the map. It just does things. This might might be two good if the shut down mech isnt the nuke gun, but chances are your cool downs go of the same time. Meaning these two idiots cant do anything to you until you detroy one. by then, you probably have back up, and cover, as you will have a shut down ability on its way, and the bot, might fire into your team mate who recently spawned in. If thats means bot, it means spinstant shut down (also player, maybe). 

   Bots do not understand that a sinper takes forrever to relode and takes time fire the whole clip. Meaning a player can play close range sniper game and use the sniper as cover against the non sniper and tank one or two shots before a sut down. that reload, is significant portion of the shut down ability, and that rocket mech will use the whole clip on the sniper you using as cover while only taking one or two shots for next relode. And while wasting two bot's time, the other team is three against four and might be down two mechs and not take you down, bcause, you will be shooting the rocket mech an not necisily your cover, or perhaps, your cover first if its reloding its close to death. Bots. Cant understand this crap, and you it with a whole team. That is spot for your whole to fire while a whole team of noobs utteraly focused, well lets be hinest, me.


  Oh yeah, bots copy players you play with, and I think they just use the loadout you have

   If the devs add in squad save slot, that means that you can load in a bot squad to give people and easier ir harder time, because playing strategy can be imensly powerful, bot dont expect bots to use a archer missile mech to make impossible for the other team to get enough points to win.



Feb 22, 2024, 05:3002/22/24

Send a friend request, you can't invite bots they don't show up

Nov 2, 2024, 11:5011/02/24

ive just memorized the bot names so i know when a real player pops up