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Rigged matches?Rigged matches?

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Rigged matches?

Apr 1, 2022, 07:1304/01/22

Rigged matches?

Hey guys, new-ish player here. I'm wondering if I'm crazy or is anyone else experiencing extremely rigged matches in Mech Arena?

I have a somewhat decent win rate (460 wins / 520 games) and I've started to notice that every single game my bots get completely demolished by the enemy team bots.

This is something I've been noticing for a while, even in the games I win, I have to constantly watch every single Capture point cause enemy bots simply dominate and push through mine.

As I'm completely f2p, I'm starting to think that this is a way for the game to push against you and force you to spend money since eventually the bots will become stronger and stronger, and you will simply lack the DPS from your weapons to deal with the onslaught of bots + the enemy players

Of course I could be tripping and this last few weeks when I started noticing this could be nothing but a coincidence, but it's just weird that EVERY single game I check the scoreboard the enemy top bot usually has two times more damage than the top bot in my team.

If they truly did something like this, then it's the most disgusting, abhorrent shady game practice I've seen almost ever. But would you put it past Plarium, honestly?

Anyway what do you guys think? Has anyone had a similar experience, maybe on their f2p alt account?
