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im done whith this game, done whith this game, unfortunately.

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im done whith this game, unfortunately.

Mar 26, 2022, 12:0803/26/22

im done whith this game, unfortunately.

Im getting frustrated every time whit this game so the best to do is quit, " developers are greedy" so not a single cent i spend on this game. Everything happens against you, what the point of that?? I think people play game at first place to have fun, if im not having fun, i just quit, why?. Enemy teams are OP, theres nothing you can do to win, every time i shot an enemy whit all my rounds"bullet rockets sniping" whatever, the enemy always survive whit 1% HP, "and the bots on my team will never give the final shot" If you have an enemy whit low HP your teamates will do everything to block the shoot, looks like they protecting them.

My lvl 4 killshot whit a pilot just ram another lvl1 killshot after shoting all my rockets on him, he just lost half Hp, then the enemy killshot dash against me and i died. For me its enough.

Im struggling to complete the 4 win in a row objective, i always managed to 3 then only loses.
