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Panther Guide

Jun 12, 2021, 21:4806/12/21

Panther Guide

Hey guys, I love Mech Arena, and since some of my favoritemech aren't up here yet, I though I'd write a guide to help people use him better. I'm by no means a pro, and this is really my ideas and opinions, so feel free to play Panther however you want.

I'll also try to continue to update this guide if anything changes, but I can't garuntee everything is completley accurate still.

This guide is aslo based on mid game Panther stats, so keep that in mind while including energy limits and health.

Panther Breakdown

Panther is a attack type heavy mech that is the next mech to unlock after Juggernaught. This Mech is unlocked fairly early in the game and will take you all the way to late game. It has an ability that is very unique. 

He can project out a fence like Stasis Barrier that you and your teammates can shoot through, but the enemies cannot. The stasis slows an opponent down if they touch it. This can be an extremely useful tool in any pilot's belt.


Classification: Heavy Mech (max energy of 24)

Role: Attacker - Attackers are designed to support maximum firepower and can equip a range of heavy weapons to unleash maximum damage

Ability: Stasis Barrier - Panther deploys a slightly zigzag energy barrier in front of it that slows Mechs and blocks shots


Area Denial - High weapon capacity combines well with Panthers Stasis Barrier ability. It has significant battlefield control in long, confined spaces or in places with mulitple choke points

Low Armor - Relies on Stasis Barrier and allies to control incoming fire due to its light armor. Very vulnerable to attacks from above or behind

Multiple Uses - Panther can be used in most situtations, for things like holding control points, blocking choke points, and flanking enemies

Ideal Weapons

Panther does well with heavy damage weapons that unload quickly, but have controlled fire. It needs these so it can make the most of its Stasis Barrier, while controling how it shoots. 

It does't do well with Missile Racks, which unload every shot and take a long time to reload, or Pulse Cannons which have low accuracy. Panther also struggles with close range weapons like Shotguns.

Ideal weapons include RPG 8, Carbine 8, Plasma Cannon 8, and Longarm 8. These are the best possible weapons for Panther, but if you have other favorites, go for it. Panther is very versatile.

In Battle

A lot of people try to put up a Stasis Barrier right in the middle of the arena sideways to cover the entire arena. That's NOT how you do it. Panther launches the barrier forward for a reason.

If your try and deploy your barrier like that and just start shooting, it won't work. You'll be shredded and so will your teamates helping you.

Panther has light armor. It can't take tons of damage. The barrier launches out like that so enemies have to walk through multiple sections, while being slowed down, or go around it. 

Here's what you should do.

  1. Find a choke point that is neccesary to you and your enemies
  2. Deploy your barrier into it
  3. Unload on a single target along with any teammates
  4. Walk away and reaload your weapons and reacharge your ability

This will allow you take little damage, because you will have blocked most enemy shots, unloaded, and gotten away while you reload. You can also cover flanks, and do the same thing in a small or thin area.

Jun 21, 2021, 16:2006/21/21

Nice write up.  I agree that the Panther is very versitile.  It is actually the most versitile mech in the game.  It can be setup for assault or long range due to it's ability to carry every type of weapon.  The stasis barrier complements this versatility.  

I would like to add a setup that I use now.  We see Panthers setup with Longarms all the time.  I use Railgun 16 and LA 8 all the time.  Sometimes, however, I get stuck on a map where the sniper loadout isn't ideal.   This is where a Railgun 16/Missle Rack 8 loadout can work.  It works for just about any map and enemy.  The MR8 is somewhat of a drawback at long ranges, on moving mechs, but it's ability to do full damage at max range offsets that.  With the RG16/MR8 loadout you can engage a enemy at long ranges and never take damage when deploying your barrier properly.  At short ranges the loadout is still very good.  If you can deploy your barrier to shield you, along with slowing your enemy, you can pound any mech into a junk heap within a few seconds.  No Jugg or Ares can stand up to a load of MR8's and 4x Railgun hits.  Ya, you get get all 3x of the Railgun shots off and a 4th before the barrier drops.

AlinaCommunity Manager
Jun 22, 2021, 13:5706/22/21

Thanks for sharing this amazing guide, Pilot! 🤗

Aug 13, 2021, 11:0508/13/21

...very useful...thank you Squish...

Dec 31, 2021, 09:3712/31/21

My wife and i both spawn Panther at the same time & use each others barrier in tandem. Soon as mine runs out, hers pops up. The stasis barrier stands just as long as it takes to regain its power again so theres always a constant barrier.

Feb 4, 2022, 17:3202/04/22

My wife and i both spawn Panther at the same time & use each others barrier in tandem. Soon as mine runs out, hers pops up. The stasis barrier stands just as long as it takes to regain its power again so theres always a constant barrier.

I've been able to do this once with a random player who did this with me (not perfectly, like you and your wife).  It was great.  :D 

Feb 4, 2022, 17:3702/04/22

"A lot of people try to put up a Stasis Barrier right in the middle of
the arena sideways to cover the entire arena. That's NOT how you do it.
Panther launches the barrier forward for a reason.

If your try and deploy your barrier like that and just start
shooting, it won't work. You'll be shredded and so will your teamates
helping you.

I disagree with this.  I run the barriers sideways all the time to provide cover for the entire team.  But it is a nice point you made about how deploying it forward will provide a longer barrier to slow down the enemy a lot longer.  I should do that versus Killshot.  They normally just blast through the thin part if I do it sideways.  I'll have to test if the "long-ways" will slow them totally down.

Dec 25, 2023, 16:0112/25/23

Thank you for sharing your guide on using the Panther mech in Mech Arena! It's great that you're providing insights and tips for other players. Your explanation of the Stasis Barrier ability and the recommended weapons for Panther are helpful. Just a suggestion, you may want to consider using WordPress to create a dedicated website for your guide and gameplay content. If you need assistance with setting up a WordPress website, you can refer to  for step-by-step instructions. Keep up the good work!