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Cheetah Guide (RESCUE) - In DepthCheetah Guide (RESCUE) - In Depth

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Cheetah Guide (RESCUE) - In Depth

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Mar 5, 2021, 04:2103/05/21

Cheetah Guide (RESCUE) - In Depth

Last Updated: March 4th, 2021

***GIF's coming soon*** Everyone loves visual aids

Hello Fellow Mech Pilots!

Welcome to my guide!  Right now the game is still in BETA and is actively undergoing updates so I will try and keep the guide updated when I can.  

I am by no means a pro player.  Most of my advise is experience/opinion based.  Everyone has their own play style and opinion, and I try to consider that!  Just keep in mind that you have to find out what works for you and don't assume there is only one answer or one way.  Don't be a sheep.

Rank and Energy Limits

Cheetah is somewhat unique because when you unlock Cheetah, it will already be a 4 star mech.  Bad news is he will feel super squishy and your weapon loadout is EXTREMELY limited.  To use him effectively you need to be Level 5.

I highly advise ranking Cheetah to Level 6.  Not to unlock a second copy but to get highest damage possible on the mines,

  • Rank 4 - Energy limit 10
  • Rank 5 - Energy limit 12
  • Rank 6 - Energy limit 12 (unlock a second copy)

Rank and Weapon Profiles

Rank 4 Priority Weapon Order: Shotgun 4 (x2) or RPG 4 (x2) are your best choices.  You want  quick, short range burst!  Everything else (Autocannon 4, Thermal Lance 4, Pulse Cannon 4, & Plasma Cannon 4) are a waste of time and resources.  You can also choose to equip a single weapon Missle Rack 6 with a Shotgun 4 as well. Check the weapons DPS output for what will work best.  

Rank 5 &6 Priority Weapon Order:  This is where things get spicy.  You really want to have Missle Rack 6 (x2).  This is going to be hands down you best loadout.  If you don't have it unlocked then select RPG 6 (x2).  Again we want to go for quick, accurate, short range burst!

Missle Rack 6 and Mines Strategy:

Lets dispell one thing right now.  Your mines are NOT to be scattered around the battlefield.  That will get you dead fast and frankly it is why everyone hates Cheetah.  Ignore the game's Mines, Nible Striker, and Low Armor descriptions.  The way they are written gives you the impression that you are suppose to run around the battlefield, avoding enemy fire, and your careful maneuvering will let you survive.  

FALSE!  If you use the mech like this you will get dead .... and fast.

If you want to do well with cheetah you should be using objects and corners to lure people in and burst them down with mines and missle salvo combination.

  • Step 1:  Get near a good choke point the opposing team has to pass through but stay behind the corner.
  • Step 2:  Throw your mines in line or walking path.  Do NOT place them all on top of each other.  We want them to go off consecutively versus all at the same time.  More on why in a bit.
  • Step 3: Lay down the cheese.... Come here little Juggernaut.
  • Step 4:  While you were laying down the cheese in step 3 your mines ability time should have recycled and are now up.  So get ready!
  • Step 4:  As the Juggernaut walks on and sets off Mine #1 throw down another one (Mine #4).  
  • IMPORTANT:  You MUST wait for the first mine to trigger and go off before throwing the next mine.  If you don't then Mine #2 will disappear as they get erased in the order you put them down. 
  • Step 5:  Repeat step 4 with Mines #2 (throwing down Mine #5) and Mines #3 (throwing Down Mine #6). If done well you are putting down 6 mines and triggering all 6.  At Rank 5 that is 9,000 damager per mine (9,000 x 6 = 54,000). Throwing them right at the enemy mech's feet is fine as even if you are a little off they should still trigger.
  • Step 6:  While your Mines are all going off now launch your Missle Rack 6 salvos.  This should add another 21,000 damage or greater.  In total you just put down a burst of approximately 75,000 damage in only a few seconds.
  • Step 7:  Repeat