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Tournament StrategiesTournament Strategies

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Tournament Strategies

Jan 10, 2021, 07:3901/10/21

Tournament Strategies

If the tournament field is not an open, spaceous one, and one that requires close-quarter fighting, players often find it difficult to score many kills in them. Most of the players get javelin racked or rocket mortared before they even know it.

In tournament fields like this, there are some important weapons and mechs that come in handy:

  1. Weapons:
  • Javelin rack (Both 4 and 6)
  • Rocket Mortar (8, 10 and 12)
  • Shotgun (2 and 4)
  • Plasma Cannon (2, 4 and 6)

Long range weapons are not of much use here as there are many curves and turns in the map.

2.  Mechs:

  • Slow moving, large weapon carrying capacity(like  juggernaut, guardian, ares, brickhouse, etc.). These mechs are especially important for carrying close range fighting equipment, and sometimes mortars and javelins. Their use here is not to eliminate others but to find out who all of the enemies have javelins and mortars. Their large amount of health helps them survive the hits of javelins and mortars. If these mechs die, u shud then send in the main batch of ur mechs(named in category 2).
  • Fast moving(like lancer, paragon, killshot, shadow, panther{for its weapon carrying capacity}, etc.). These mechs can try to eliminate those enemies which carry mortars and javelins. These mechs have this specific purpose because they can move very fast towards the enemy, thus getting out of the javelin rack(16m-75m) range and also rocket mortar(~47m to 150m above) range. Now, they can apply their short range weapons and eliminate the enemy. However, they should also be aware that any other opponent mechs must not spawn nearby them, while they are killing off the enemy.
DeletedCommunity Manager
Jan 18, 2021, 14:1301/18/21

Hi! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas about our game; it is highly appreciated. We will take good note of this so that we can improve our game. Have a nice day!