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Lancer Guide (RESCUE) - In DepthLancer Guide (RESCUE) - In Depth

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Lancer Guide (RESCUE) - In Depth

RescueCommunity Manager
Dec 24, 2020, 18:5312/24/20

Lancer Guide (RESCUE) - In Depth


Last Updated: October 13th, 2021

Hello Fellow Mech Pilots!

Hello Everyone!  My name is Rescue and I am a Moderator on both the Mech Arena Forums and Discord.
If you are not a member of the Mech Arena Discord community I highly recommend it.  Check the bottom of the page for our social media links.  Check us out, give us a like, and follow for all the latest news on what's happening in the world of mech battles.

Let's get into it now.  The game is still new and developing so I will update the guide when I can.  

Everyone has their own play style and opinion, and I try to consider that!  Just keep in mind that you have to find out what works for you and don't assume there is only one answer or one way.

Rank and Energy Limits

Before you start sinking resources into a mech it's important to know what you get in return.  How far should you invest before you should stop and spend those resources elsewhere is probably the first question you should ask.  

The sweet spot for Lancer seems to be Rank 3, Rank 5, and Rank 6 Level 7 (MAX).  Based on weapon load outs these ranks give you the most versatility, damage, and playstyle.

  • Rank 1 - Energy limit 4
  • Rank 2 - Energy limit 6
  • Rank 3 - Energy limit 8
  • Rank 4 - Energy limit 10
  • Rank 5 - Energy limit 12
  • Rank 6 - Energy limit 14 (no longer unlocks a second copy)
  • Rank 6 Level 7 (MAX) - Energy limit 16

Rank and Weapon Profiles

Rank 1 Priority Weapon Order:  RPG 2 (x2) and Plasma Cannon 2 (x2) are your best choices.  Everything else (Autocannon 2, Thermal Lance 2, & Shotgun 2) are a waste of time and resources.  You can also choose to equip a single weapon with an energy 4 capactity.  This depends on what weapon is higher level and has a higher dps output.

Rank 2 Priority Weapon Order:  This will be the same as Rank 1 except you are mixing a Energy 2 with and Energy 4 capactiy weapon.  Otherwise same order as above.

Rank 3 Priority Weapon Order:  Javelin Rack 4 (x2), RPG 4 (x2), Plasma Cannon 4 (x2) are your best choices.  Everything else including Pulse Cannon 4 is a waste of time and resources.  

Rank 4, 5, & 6 Weapon Order:  I would recommend you stop at Rank 3 as Rank 4 doesn't offer anything particularly special unless you are gunning for Rank 5 to equip Javeline Rack 6 (x2) or Rank 6 (MAX) to equip capacity 8 weapons like disk launcher, long-arms, and mortars.

Why Lancer?

I can tell you right away most people assume because it is one of your first mech's that it is a throw away mech.  Don't think of him as an ant waiting to be crushed but an angry murder hornet that flies around the map creating chaos and leaving destruction in its wake.  Also because with its special ability - JUMP JETS - you are currently the ONLY mech able to access roofs, ledges, and certain parts of the map.


1. Can access areas of the map unobtainable to every other mech.  Already stated but it is so important it needs to be stated TWICE.  This is literally your biggest advantage and one most people seldom use.  Currently, no other mech can jump to rooftops or ledges.  Terrain is a key component to avoiding direct fire or being blown to bits.  Other players won't prioritize you as there is no easy way to kill you off from certain positions.  This allows you to rain down terror until they are dead or running away.

2. Speed and mobility is a weapon.  The high speed and mobility of the mech gives 2 advantages.  The first is evasion.  You can literally run circles around some mechs.  A heavy mech's advantage is distance and damage.  The closer you get the harder it is for them to pivot making aiming difficult.  Additionally, some of the heavy weapons will only auto-lock from a distance.  The closer you get the more the enemy will backpedal to try and regain their target lock.

The second advanage to speed and mobility is the response rate to fights or counter-capping points.  You are simply faster to capture points so while the heavy mechs are still walking to capture the point, you will already be on the next one, capturing it!  Stay ahead and outpace for the 100 influence win in CPC.

3. Bigger in size is not always better.  Your smaller frame givest them less to hit.  If you are on a roof or ledge it also prevents certain mech ability from effecting you.  Guardian can't get close enough to you to perform a system shutdown, Killshot will be unable to dash attack you, and Cheetah's mines can't be placed on roofs.  My current favorite is jumping over Panther's barrier fence and just blasting him.


1.  You are squishy.  If you get caught you are definetly dead so keep moving and avoid standing still too long.  Don't try to get in a slug match with a Brickhouse or Juggernaut.  Just get behind them, launch your salvo, and move on.

2. Mortar and Javelin are direct weapon counters.  If you are on the roof you won't have to worry too much about direct line of fire weapons but weapons that arch like mortar or javelin are still a big threat. A neat trick to dodge javelins is jumping up and backwards as they begin to arch as they will not curve back up.  This will make them land at your feet.  You will still take some damage but avoid the full salvo.

3.  You are restricted from high energy consumption weapons.  The mech's max output is at 16 energy so you won't be equiping double railguns anytime soon.

Special Ability - Jump Jets

Not every map is great with Lancer but most of the harder maps are restrictured to tournament play and are only for 1 day.  However, the standard maps for Capture Point Clash are full of roofs and ledges to dominate from.  Below are some jump locations you should get used to and where to fire from.

Old Dubai

Right after spawn hop up on the first building to get a prime view of the cross channel and easy sniping position.


As much as you will want to jump across the building on the otherside you won't make it so don't try.  It will drop you right in the middle of the cross channel with no way out.  You will be a sitting duck.


If you do end up in the channel don't stay there too long.  Jump up on the bridge and get out as quickly as you can.  Remember keep moving.


You can however jump over the channel and onto the opposing building for some suprise damage.


Patterson Station

If you are on the bottom right side of the map it is easy for sniping as it is a flat long distance run.  You can escape but jumping over the snow bank.


Enemies won't expect you to be on the snowbank or above them on the snow bridge.


If you drop down to the control point you can also jump back up to avoid enemies as well.


Rather than going around from the snow bridge to the top there is an area you can cut through.


Just know it doesn't work from the otherside though.


Thank You For Reading My Guide!

I hope this helps if you are interested in Lancer but not sure where to begin or how best to use him.  I love dominating with him on the map and trying to find new vantage points to shoot from.

Thanks again and happy hunting!

Jan 25, 2021, 16:4501/25/21

Wow,  this  is  an  excellent  guide  Rescue!    Thanks  for  posting  it!  For  those  who  prefer  a  move  and  shoot  /  surprise  attack  style,  Lancer  sounds  great  and  has  some  great  Pros.    While  I  personally  feel  the  play  style,  especially  with  Javelins/rocket  mortars,  is  more  cowardly,  it  does  make  you  much  more  able  to  attack  with  less  chance  of  being  attacked  compared  to  other  mechs.   I've  seen  your  responses  in  the  forum  and  appreciate  your  input.  👍

DeletedCommunity Manager
Feb 2, 2021, 10:2802/02/21

Hello, Pilot! This is a great guide! Thank you for it 🤗

Aug 10, 2023, 07:3408/10/23

I think Lancer with shotguns are good.

Aug 10, 2023, 07:3508/10/23

I think Lancer with shotguns are good.