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Realistic and relative advice.Realistic and relative advice.

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Realistic and relative advice.

Apr 24, 2023, 13:1104/24/23

Realistic and relative advice.

So I’m about 10 days in, and basically f2p (spent £3)

All the advice on what’s good, what weapons, combos, etc. is all top end mechs and weapons I’d have to grind a year for or spend obscene money on  .

What’s the best advice you’d give to a noob not willing to spend?

What do you wish you’d known when you got started?


Apr 24, 2023, 15:5204/24/23

You will not be very happy long term with the Green and below mechs. 

As soon as you save up enough to get a blue one or epic one. Focus on it and save all your resources for it and it's weapons. At some point you will start to have some surplus reaources to spend on others. One badass mech with take you farther than 5 okay ones. 

You will need 5 eventually but be patient at first. You will be tempted to level up everything. Weapons and mechs require a lot of A coins to Rank up and you won't have a lot of them so save them for your special mech.

Also, power 8 and below weapons don't deserve your A coins in my opinion. I use credits to get them to level 7 and leave them at the rank I obtained them. Shotgun 8 was an exception but with the new shotguns coming don't waste a ton of resources on them. When you get 10,12 and 16 power weapons you will need lots of A coins.

Have a immeasurable amount of patience and play for fun with friends. Makes the taste of some encounters less bitter.

Apr 24, 2023, 19:2304/24/23

Also, I created a new account just to relive the experience. I forgot about the Arachnos derby etc.

I took Ares and Arachnos at Power 16 to get where I wanted to be. I used a lot of Pulse Cannons, Longarms and Missile Racks until I got to where I wanted to be. Some like Ares and take him to Power 24. Arachnos for a  lot of players is good attack mech. Better ones will come along but he's not a bad place to start.