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tips for f2p / pocket change players tips for f2p / pocket change players

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tips for f2p / pocket change players

Nov 19, 2022, 10:4311/19/22

tips for f2p / pocket change players

Here are the best ways to get acoins if you're like me and don't want to spend. While mech arena is certainly p2w, they do give players enough opportunities to get acoins that I've managed to build a pretty strong hangar without buying resources. Here are the best tips I've learned

Focus on one OP mech first. I saved up and got my panther to 5 star and got dual DL12 with a Rosa pilot before ranking up my other mechs or buying other epic pilots. Once I built this setup, my tourney scores started going up like crazy. You can do this with any setup. Just focus on one main bot before the others.

Drop leagues strategically in tourney. I like to sit out the first round, this way I get placed in brackets with other players who skipped heats. Less tryhard players = easier to make 1st place. Just won 400 acoins yesterday with a tourney score of 4,000 doing this (took about 90 mins of playing

Save your event tokens, especially paint job ones. Plarium will give you 100 acoins for every token you don't spend. This means an easy 400 acoins every event.

Go for the middle fortune vault (10 tokens). This one has the best odds of getting acoins (you can win 375 or 750). The cheapest one has no acoins and the most expensive has like a 2% chance. You can rack up fortune vault tokens crazy fast in tourney and with 100 tokens you can expect to win at least 1 but usually 2 or more acoin prizes. Also wait for the fortune vault rush to open the crates so you can get the 400 acoin reward.

NEVER buy blueprints. I'm guilty of doing this, but only if the blueprints cost 200 acoins or less. Spending on blueprints means it takes longer to rank up and will ultimately slow your progression.

Don't rank up low energy weapons (8 or less). You'll end up not using them later on and the acoins you spent leveling them will be a waste. Shotgun 8 is the only exception.

Buy pilots before weapons. They are flexible and will serve you more than weapons, especially since an epic pilot with a dmg implant will yield about +50% damage at 5 stars.

Hope this helps.
