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TIPS for the new BG SystemTIPS for the new BG System

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TIPS for the new BG System

Jul 28, 2015, 13:0007/28/15

TIPS for the new BG System

Lords & Ladies of Stormfall!

here i post some tips and advices from a good bg player Famu Naushad :

"1. Dont expect to gain something from BG's. Always expectations are leading to frustration.

2. Understand and adapt to new method of BG's. The banking of previous reward + tax no longer applicable. Instead do like this. Keep in mind that you are in a debt. Your debt equal last big payout + all small rewards. So you need to pay back all your previous rewards + tax (1-12.5% of the previous rewards) to receive a fresh reward. (Keep in mind that all small payouts are added to your big payout and tax is calculated. So if you take more small rewards, you will have the tax getting increased as well. That will lead you put everything inside and get no reward and will get you screwed.)

3. Always try to track of the rewards you receive until you get paid out. That will give you a better chance to know if you are due on a payout.

4. Dont keep killing BG's if you dont get a reward on an expected level. That will only let you get screwed unless you are a CC player. Instead keep building scraps and wait till server reset time. A fresh day have better chances of getting you paid. Make sure you have enough units to pay the taxes. I recommend you not to dump your bigger units for this. Keep building scrap units. Payback your reawrd plus the newly build scraps to take the new payout.

5. Dont ever expect you get a payout today and dump all you have. Keep building the so called scraps. You will get your rewards even after 2 days. This is not a game that end in a day.

With best regards" by Famu Naushad 

Jul 31, 2015, 10:3107/31/15

Lord Djmoody

im not at so high level as you but im going to explain you with an example of my bgs....

im at level 64 so i want my payout on level 62 and it requires 28M to bank.

old system:

i had a previus payout on another level 62 and it was 27568140 of resources so now i have to spent that amount plus a 10-12.5% to be allowed to receive a new payout, so in total i have to spend 30324954 (27568140 from last payout + 2756814 (10%))

i bank that amount and i receive my payout arround 27M

new system:

same scenario: i had my payout on another 62 and i want a new payout on a new 62 which requires 28M to bank. ok i bank that 28M and now i have to increase it arround 10% more to i spent 2.8M more... now i have spent 30.8M and hit that 62 i receive my big payout arround 27M

so, in my point of view its more or less the same but its true now you take a little bit more time to reach the amount to bank as the moment when you clear your yellowed bgs you receive troops that you have to discount from your bank.


Aug 1, 2015, 02:5308/01/15
Juglar del Viento said:

im at level 64 so i want my payout on level 62 and it requires 28M to bank.

Just exactly where do we (other ordinary players) get those values from? 
Aug 1, 2015, 06:1708/01/15

Falcon said:

Juglar del Viento said:

im at level 64 so i want my payout on level 62 and it requires 28M to bank.

Just exactly where do we (other ordinary players) get those values from? 

Testing.  Somebody had a league (or a bunch of alts) record all their payouts for each bg level then averaged them out. 

Aug 2, 2015, 02:4408/02/15
Thank you!
Dec 30, 2015, 10:2312/30/15

Lord Unelfe

the small payouts consist on the 10% of the real payout of each bg

so, if you hit them loosing more than the small received you are going to bank but small amounts each time so you will be able to get a big payout in a long term.

but if you hit them loosing less than the small received you are going to go into negative bank so every time you will be more in debt with your bank

so yes, you can be in negative and receive your small payouts but it is going to take a long long time (even almost never) getting a big payout

hope this can resolve ur doubts

Regards and happy new year
Dec 30, 2015, 20:3012/30/15

err i think im a little bit lost with all variables

i think this work as a you put in and money you put out

let see you have received a big payout of 1000

so now you have to spend 1000 + tax (12.5% aprox) so the total you have to spend 1125

then when you had spent that amount you will be able to get another payout and for example the payout is 900 in your bank still are 225 and now you have to spent 900 + tax

imagine as a bank loan

bank gives you x amount and you have to return x + a tax

one you have returned the total, then the bank will give you another loan.

i think is well explained in this thread -->

any doubts please feel free to ask :)


Jan 1, 2016, 10:0801/01/16

djmoody said:

What research did you do to come up with the 12.5%?

Lord Djmoody

is the tax the masters of bgs i know told me and seems to work. If you are another master and knows one better tax that works please share it and we all will try to see if works

Regards and Happy new year
Jan 1, 2016, 13:3201/01/16

as you can understand i have opened one thread to try to help people to understand bgs and try to give them the oportunity of getting big payouts

trying to avoid the frustating of seeing a lot of pics of fantastics rewards they are not able to get.

im sure you have mastered ur method of doing bgs to get ur fabolous army and you are free to share it or not

i gave some ways to hit bgs as the way i was learning them and seems good to get the big payouts.

i repeat if you have one better, explain it if not please dont answer every post saying ' its not right' and 'its not in that way' cause that not helps people only confuses.

the other thread i have posted this:

The bank value, also known as ‘The Bank’ is what you need to repay before you get another reward. By adding 12.5% interest to the bank, you reduce the chance of coming in under your bank. Technically the bank should reward you as soon as you reach it, however, it doesn’t always. The Interest will reduce your efficiency in reaching the bank, but help ensure a reward when you arrive. 
Can the interest be reduced? Yes, but you run the chance of underestimating and by undershooting the bank on a successful elimination, may either run out of missions or overspend by too much to make the next reward profitable.


Nothing in this game is a guarantee, especially when dealing with mathematical algorithms. There are variances, changes and randomness added all the time.

so all i want is to clarify people his way to bgs discussing all with constructive thoughts

Regards and Happy New Year

Jan 1, 2016, 21:1601/01/16
Jan 4, 2016, 23:59(edited)
Jan 10, 2016, 04:4901/10/16

Can anyone pls tell me about the fact we need to put our rss from previous reward back in the 'bank', but in certain corridors, Example from bg 51-65  or from bg 66-75  or bg 76-85. Is this true and what exactly are these corridors? I recieved a note lately that Plarium changed these corridors. The new once are 1-40 / 41-80 / 81-100.

Can someone confirm this pls. Very important, putting rss in wrong corridor won't give you a reward (not added to your bank). If yo want to clear a level 72 bg for big reward you should have put your rss in that corridor.
Jan 10, 2016, 13:0501/10/16
Jan 10, 2016, 13:12(edited)

Lord Vanlimb

as far i know plarium has not changed anything about bgs till now. so they work as same as since the feature was chaged in last july.

what you said is about some test that good bg players have done and have update the corridors theory and found that seems to be only 3 corridors, the last 3 you mention. but the info is given by players and their test not by plarium

so alll we can test it so see if it works.

hope this can solve ur doubts


Jan 10, 2016, 14:1001/10/16

Juglar Del Viento, ty very much for your answer.

One of my friends has been clearing several lvl 100 bg's (3 -4) and still not recieved a big reward. All his previous gained units have been put back in + a lot extra (he used to be player with several million off and def and has nothing left now). He didn't know about the corridor theory and banked his units everywhere (60 - 100). Maybe that is the reason he didn't get reward so far. Anyway, he's baking units 24/24 but this will take several weeks to get another high lvl bg low.

It is not fun anymore to be in such possition going from top player (20 million off and def) to zero simply because Plarium won't share the bg rules and on top even changed them (maybe twice) a few months ago.

I need to be sure what i'm doing before i sacrifice my units on bg's again.
Jan 10, 2016, 14:4701/10/16

Lord Vanlimb

so sorry to hear about your friends army, but sure one day he can reborn again. BGs are one of the most difficult features of SF to learn and understand it so most of us have to experiment and test them cause this is not an exact science.

i think the most of the players still are trying to understand where and when to bank to get the payout in an especific level (except those who are expert and get their methods for themselves without sharing it).

So in this moment exist some kind of risk you hit a level 100 and get only the small payout but the consolation we have is knowing that the big payout still is there for the moment we could hit and get it

Hope one day we all can understand the mechanism and be at leas 90-95% sure to get the payout

Jan 13, 2016, 10:0001/13/16


At this moment we don't know how big his bank is. We lost track a few weeks ago.

The main part of his army was from playing bg's. He got big rewards each 'round' bg he played. Things used to work fine. Normaly he yellowed several bg's untill he got his previous reward back invested and he added around 10% extra units (raided 10 raids each day and baked units 24/24). When he expected his big reward, he cleared one of his high yellow bg's (never highest). If he didn't get reward, he went to another or a thirth and always got a big reward then.He cleared all the other yellow bg's and added all the small rewards to his big reward to know how much he needed to invest next time.

This worked fine untill he reach level 100.

 Because he has nothing left, he played different last time. His last attempt was 3 days ago. He couldn't clear a high level bg anymore (not enough units) and thought to recieve a big reward from a bg mid 60 because he had sacrifised almost all his army. He got a small reward (200 dragons, 400 griffins) however; Invested these units back in a level 60 + extra and got another small reward which was almost the same as previous. Invested these back in too + extra and got big reward the thirth time (big for level 60, not for regaining his army). He recieved 400 wyvern and 1700griffin.

With this big reward he went for his last change to recieve his big army back and cleared a level 95 (addedd his last units in; eldritch, darkened, imperial - units he wouldn't use otherwise). He thought he had already invested enough in these high segment bg's but he recieved a small reward (200 wyvern, 250 griffin or something like that). Game over.

One of the things i would like to know is if after the bank pays out (on low bg this time - level60) does the bank reset? We thought he would still have a lot rss banked in high segment bg because we invested millions more than that level 60 bg reward we recieved. If the bank resets, he wouldn't got a big reward from that level 95 because he didn't reach min required for level 90. But than where did all his units go?
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